Hi there.

I spent most of my life in Appalachia (Pittsburgh, Maryland, West Virginia, Asheville), stopped in Baltimore for a short time, lived on the road for a while, and landed in Northern New Mexico in 2019, just a few months prior to the start of the pandemic (and the end of the world as we know it).

New Mexico was a wonderful place to land for those quiet times, but by spring of 2023, I found myself nomadic again—for the foreseeable future.

I’ve been an arts and culture writer and editor by day for many years and continue this work as I live nomadically.

Most of my self studies have been around mysticism, mind/body connection, transpersonal psychology, astrology and Human Design, energy work, and plant medicine. I ran an online apothecary for a decade before closing it to become nomadic again (maybe I’ll pick this up again once I am traveling by van; a hatchback simply cannot fit my apothecary).

I also love writing music but can’t sing, love wildcrafting but have no green thumb, have hermit tendencies, dream of opening an arts space, make zines and little collages in the meantime.

You can find me on most social media @karmarocca.

Why subscribe?

This site will act as a collection of short writings during my travels. Subscribe to get access to the newsletter and website, and join me on the journey.

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art, life, and the road


writer, mystic, herbalist, nomad